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Tuesday, March 26, 2013


  • HIV & AIDS Information :: Quality of health services is key in encouraging or discouraging people from HIV testing in Africa 2013-03-26, 03:56 am
    The uptake of HIV testing in sub-Saharan Africa is influenced by the quality and manner in which health services are delivered, according to a review of 42 qualitative studies , published this month in BMC Public Health.
  • How an experimental treatment saved Emily's life 2013-03-26, 03:18 am
    Emily Whitehead: her own white blood cells were genetically altered to allow them to recognise and kill cancer cells.
  • Public education, not soda bans, best cure for the obesity epidemic 2013-03-26, 03:00 am
    The ban was poorly crafted and subsequently thrown out by a judge on March 11 due to its arbitrary nature.
  • Coulter to Bloomberg: Sodas? What about bathhouses? 2013-03-26, 02:45 am
    ... facilities first became more widely known to unsophisticated provincials back in the eighties with the rise of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. As it turned out, these bathhouses were the primary incubators for HIV. Following that discovery, many of them ...
  • HIV positive group for Gen Y guys 2013-03-26, 02:15 am
    Living Positive will also run its Phoenix workshops for gay and bisexual men who are newly diagnosed in the past two years and of any age over the April 5-7 weekend.
  • 69,000 new HIV cases reported in Russia 2013-03-26, 01:25 am
    Moscow, March 26 : More than 69,000 new cases of HIV were recorded in Russia last year, the country's top public health official said.
  • Potential new treatment for HIV 2013-03-26, 12:24 am
    Australian biomedical research company Biotron Limited has announced preliminary results from a human trial of its lead antiviral drug BIT225 to treat HIV infection 'hidden' in reservoir precursor cells.
  • Theraclone Sciences Secures $14M In Additional Financing 2013-03-25, 10:35 pm
    Theraclone Sciences, Inc., a therapeutic antibody discovery and development company, recently announced a $14M financing.
  • Indonesia to override patents for live-saving medicines 2013-03-24, 10:03 pm
    ... decree announced the government would procure generic equivalents of the international patents for seven HIV/AIDS and hepatitis B medicines, citing the "urgent need" to control these diseases. "The implementation of the third compulsory licensing ...
  • Young girl's 'cure' signals new path... 2013-03-25, 11:51 pm
    Emily Whitehead is kind of a big deal. At age seven, she is the only child to have beaten back leukemia with the help of a new treatment that turned her own immune cells into targeted cancer killers.
  • Reconsider gifting Easter pets 2013-03-25, 11:36 pm
    ... their mouths and because their immune systems are still developing. Others at increased risk include persons with HIV/AIDS, pregnant women, the elderly and other immunocompromised persons." Rabbits are of course the iconic animal of the holiday, but ...
  • UT Now Kicking an AIDS Conference Off Campus 2013-03-25, 08:48 pm
    ... in Memphis informed conference organizers at the Red Door Foundation and the MidSouth AIDS Fund, both Memphis-based HIV/AIDS prevention, outreach, and advocacy organizations, that the upcoming Tri-State African-American Community Summit for the ...
  • AIDS News Update 2013-03-25, 06:47 pm
    ... Magic sharing his story and encouraging others to do the same. "We need to have an open and honest dialogue about HIV/AIDS to help remove the stigma around testing, so more people get tested. The more people we get to join the conversation, the more ...
  • 'Blood Brother' sweeps audience award at Thessaloniki Doc Fest 2013-03-25, 06:27 pm
    Steve HooverA's A'Blood Brother,A' about a young American helping HIV-positive children at an India orphanage, scooped the Audience Award in the international section of the annual Thessaloniki Documentary Festival this weekend.
  • Audit of public hospital HIV program reveals $67,000 in questioned costs 2013-03-25, 06:17 pm
    Interim LSU Public Hospital in New Orleans did not confirm patients were eligible for a federally-funded HIV program for low-income individuals and families, an audit released Monday showed.
  • University of Tennessee Uninvites African-American HIV/AIDS Symposium 2013-03-25, 06:00 pm
    The University of Tennessee Health Science Center is rescinding its invitation to host an HIV/AIDS Community Summit, bowing to pressure from conservative state legislators.
  • Theraclone Sciences Secures $14 Million in Additional Financing 2013-03-24, 07:00 pm
    Theraclone Sciences, Inc., a therapeutic antibody discovery and development company, today announced a $14 million financing.
  • Is It Finally Time To End 23-Year-Old Ban On HIV-Positive Organ Donation? 2013-03-25, 04:07 pm
    ... bill that reflects the progress we are making in medicine, as well as in breaking down the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS," Baldwin said in a statement. "By allowing us to move forward with this critical research, the HOPE Act will help decrease ...
  • A Twist on "Tea" 2013-03-25, 03:52 pm
    It's not exactly news that that tea has a number of health benefits. The "real" tea, from the Camellia sinensis plant, comes in three varieties: green, white, oolong, and black.
  • Magic Johnson is OraSure 2013-03-25, 02:47 pm
    ... men (MSM) represent approximately 2% of the US population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV HIV/AIDS is a serious public health issue for this group in which HIV infections continue to grow - risky sexual behavior being the most ...

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